FV-1 Programs

List of SpinASM code for guitar effects pedals and other applications


The goal of this project is to be a comprehensive directory of patches, programs, or banks for the Spin Semiconductor FV-1 DSP integrated circuit (IC) that can be used in DIY guitar effects pedals, and other hobbiest projects. It is community-driven and built entirely of contributions from people like you, so please submit any programs you'd like to share.

This entire site is open source and hosted on GitHub

Circuit / PCB

Unless otherwise noted, all of these programs are assumed to work on the "typical application" circuit from the FV-1 datasheet, and should also run fine on the Mimir's Well: FV-1 platform pedal, the Easy Spin pedal from Audiofab, or the Arachnid board from PedalPCB.

You can also get pre-programmed EEPROMs here.

List of FV-1 Programs

by Spin Semi  
Echo with Repeats
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
Phase shifter
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
Vibrato (after strike)
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
Approx 10dB limiting range, stereo I/O, common control (to maintain image) 
RMS limiter/expander example
by Spin Semi  
Simple RMS limiter/expander example 
by Spin Semi  
Mini reverb example 
Soft knee RMS limiter
by Spin Semi  
Simple limiter
by Spin Semi  
Simple limiter, -12dB threshold, peak detecting 
+/-20dB gain/loss
by Spin Semi  
Example program for +/-20dB gain/loss 
Sine wave generator
by Spin Semi  
Sine wave generator, uses POT0 and POT1 for coarse and fine adjustment, POT2 for amplitude control 
Battling LFOs
by Spin Semi  
What happens when one LFO controls another, and that controls another and that controls another and that controls the first one? 
Active crossover
by Spin Semi  
Active cross-over program for speaker equalization. Multiple bands of parametric EQ, etc. 
by Dave Spinkler  
Reverb plus 2-pole high-pass and 2-pole low-pass 
by Dave Spinkler  
Reverb plus flange plus 4-pole low pass 
by Dave Spinkler  
Reverb plus pitch plus 4-pole low-pass 
Hall Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Room Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Plate Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Gated Reverb
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
Stereo Echo Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Chorus Reverb
by Spin Semi  
by Spin Semi  
ROM Pitch Shift
by Spin Semi  
Pitch shifting program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
ROM Pitch Echo
by Spin Semi  
Pitch-echo program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
Pitch + Reverb for karaoke apps
by Spin Semi  
ROM Flanger + Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Combination flange/reverb program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
ROM Reverb + Chorus
by Spin Semi  
Reverb/chorus program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
ROM Tremolo + Reverb
by Spin Semi  
Combination tremelo/reverb program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
ROM Reverb 1
by Spin Semi  
Reverb 1 program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
ROM Reverb 2
by Spin Semi  
Reverb 2 program from the FV-1 internal ROM 
by Spin Semi  
Reverb program that allows three controls, reverb time, diffusion and high/low frequency damping 
Plate Reverb: Very Tight
by Harmon Grold  
Very tight, characterized by extreme density, slight tinnyness, explosive initial sound 
Plate Reverb: Tight
by Harmon Grold  
Tight, characterized by very high density, slight tinnyness, explosive initial sound 
Plate Reverb
by Harmon Grold  
Lush (large), characterized by very high density, explosive initial sound, large 
by Spin Semi  
1 comment
Dual LFO Chorus
by Graham Biswell  
Chorus with Rate and Depth controls and sounds just like a normal chorus but adds in the 2nd rate control to spook things up a bit. Rate 2 completely CCW turns it off. 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro reverb with fixed 1oct frequency pitch shift 
Dattorro reverb with fixed 1oct frequency pitch shift 
Dattorro reverb with variable frequency pitch shift applied to input signal and feedback 
Dattorro reverb with variable frequency pitch shift applied to input signal 
Dattorro Mix Reverb 
Dattorro Reverb - variable predelay 
Single Head Tape Echo + Spring Reverb
Dual Head Tape Echo + Spring Reverb
Single Head Tape Echo + Spring Reverb w/ Ping Pong
Not very tape echo like, really 
Dual Head Tape Echo + Spring Reverb w/ Ping Pong
Not very tape echo like, really 
Single Head Tape Echo
Single Head Tape Echo + Reverb
Ping Pong
Ping Pong 2:1
Dual Head Tape Echo + Reverb, w/ Ping Pong
reverb code is a 2 tap version of the Spin OEM1 Vocal Plate 
Dual Head Tape Echo + Reverb
reverb code is a 2 tap version of the Spin OEM1 Vocal Plate 
Stereo Pitch Transposer w/ Feedback and Delay
Looper simple
by Graham Biswell  
Looper with dual tap ping pong delay with adjustable feedback and fixed damping (damping has hpf & lpf) 
* Requires different circuit
Looper ping pong
by Graham Biswell  
Looper with dual tap ping pong delay with adjustable feedback and fixed damping (damping has hpf & lpf) 
* Requires different circuit
Ping Pong: Basic Wonky
by Graham Biswell  
Basic pingpong with adjustable feedback & damping ; damping has hpf & lpf ; some added wonkiness 
Ping Pong: Basic
by Graham Biswell  
Basic pingpong with adjustable feedback & damping ; damping has hpf & lpf 
Ping Pong: Stereo with Dual Taps
by Graham Biswell  
Simple stereo ping pong delay with adjustable feedback & damping 
Ping Pong with Dual Taps
by Graham Biswell  
Ping Pong: Simple
by Graham Biswell  
Simple ping pong delay with adjustable feedback & lpf damping 
Ping Pong: Simple Stereo
by Graham Biswell  
Simple stereo ing pong delay with adjustable feedback & lpf damping 
Ping Pong: Triple
by Graham Biswell  
Ping pong delay with 3 taps - left, right, centre ; centre is mixed with both left & right taps 
Triple Tap Cascaded Delay
by Graham Biswell  
Triple Tap Cascaded Delay - Stereo
by Graham Biswell  
Triple Tap Cascaded Delay - Stereo w/ Chorus
by Graham Biswell  
Triple Tap Delay - Parallel
by Graham Biswell  
taps are treated in parallel ; feedback & damping are fixed 
Triple Tap Delay - Parallel, Varying Feedback
by Graham Biswell  
taps are treated in parallel ; feedback & damping are fixed, but f/b varies slighly depending on delay time (longer time, less f/b) ; damping for each tap is different 
Triple Tap Delay - Parallel, Varying Feedback, w/ Chorus
by Graham Biswell  
taps are treated in parallel ; feedback & damping are fixed, but f/b varies slighly depending on delay time (longer time, less f/b) ; damping for each tap is different; With chorus 
Plate Reverb - Dattorro
by basilrush  
1 comment
Freeverb is a stereo reverb unit based on Jezar's public domain C++ sources, composed of eight parallel comb filters on both channels, followed by four allpass units in series. The filters on the right channel are slightly detuned compared to the left channel in order to create a stereo effect. 
Greenwood Delay
by slacker  
Pitch Transposer - Stereo
by ExertionMusic  
Reverse Reverb
by Malekko  
Hall Reverb w/ Shimmer
by Sweetalk  
New Shimmer Reverb
Octave Up and Down
Stereo Tremolo
by Digital Larry  
Stereo Ring Modulators w/ Chorus
by Digital Larry  
Triple Delay w/ Feedback
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
Stereo Dual Flange Multi Tap Delay
by Digital Larry  
Modulated Echo
by patb  
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
There is an overdrive going to the flanger and highpass/delay, but the reverb is driven directly from the input. 
by Digital Larry  
Flanger and highpass/delay, but the reverb is driven directly from the input. With some envelope control on the filter. 
Faux Phase Shifter
by Digital Larry  
Sounds like a phaser but in fact it is not one, strictly speaking. It is built up from resonant high pass and low pass filters mixed together 
Faux Phase Shifter - extra delay
by Digital Larry  
Sounds like a phaser but in fact it is not one, strictly speaking. It is built up from resonant high pass and low pass filters mixed together. Adds another delay to the resonant low pass 
Dual-Rate Chorus
by ice-nine  
Rate and Depth controls and sounds just like a normal chorus but adds in the 2nd rate control to spook things up a bit 
Cabinet simulator
by jovesdies  
Chorus: Bank of demo patches
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
Delay with threshold
by Digital Larry  
Delay: Bank of demo patches
by Digital Larry  
Filter tremolo
by Digital Larry  
We have both filter tremolo and volume modulation with LFO 90 degrees phase shifted. This is similar to harmonic tremolo as found in some vintage tube amps. 
Flangers: Bank of patches
by Digital Larry  
Multi tap delays: Bank of patches
by Digital Larry  
New Flanger
by Digital Larry  
Flanger using rectified-sine modulation. LFO frequency and width are in inverse relationship from the pot to give good results over a wide frequency range with one knob. 
Oil can delay
by Digital Larry  
Percussion Ambience
by Digital Larry  
Try this on some percussive material. 
Room reverb: 3-4-5
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
This one uses 3 delay lines with relative lengths in a ratio of 3 - 4 - 5 
by Digital Larry  
Through zero flangers
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
Square wave Tremolo, Aliaser, Reverb
by Digital Larry  
1 comment
Square Wave Tremolo with envelope controlled aliaser and reverb. Because why not? 
by madbeanpedals  
This is a delay that allows you to mix in a phaser with the delays 
by madbeanpedals  
1 comment
A delay with pitch shift in the feedback path. Kind of a discount EQD Rainbow Machine 
by madbeanpedals  
1 comment
Emulates the Function F(x) Parallax pedal. It's a tremolo with a phase shifter and speed controls for each 
Spring Reverb + Tremolo
by Don Stavely  
Spring reverbs sound 'boingy' because of dispersion in the spring - higher frequencies travel slower than low frequencies. A 'spectral delay filter', consisting of many (100's) of unit allpasses will produce the desired 'chirp' impulse response... 
by Firesledge  
A basic flanger. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
A basic phaser with some overdrive in the feedback path. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
A delay with filtered overdrive in the feedback path. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
Simple reverberation effect. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
1 comment
Automatic wah effect based on the signal volume. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
1 comment
Simple distortion with variable gain, tone and mix. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge, Digital Larry  
1 comment
Harmonic tremolo with distortion. Designed for bass 
by Firesledge  
Harmonic tremolo mixed with a delay. Based on Madbeanpedals Starfield. 
by Don Stavely  
1 comment
This delays an input by eight seconds. It inteleaves the signal 8 ways in a single max sized delay 
Reverse delay
by igore pie  
Simplified part of A+ Paradox delay 
by Frank Thomson, OCT Distribution  
by Frank Thomson  
1 comment
Hall - modified
by Frank Thomson, OCT Distribution  
Multi program pitch shifter
by patb  
1 comment
Inspired by commercial pedals. It has 6 programs, selectable by pot0 
Reverse delay
by Knut Helle  
Sawtooth waveform generator
by slacker  
Reverb + Shimmer (Version 6)
by Alex Lawrow  
1 comment
This routine is based on Mick Taylor's (Ice-9s) reverb loop and shimmer code with some changes such as... 
by Alex Lawrow  
Produces a major scale (Ionian mode) based on on whatever note you play into the input. 
by Alex Lawrow  
Produces a major chord arpeggio based on the root note you play into the input. 
by Alex Lawrow  
Produces an ascending arpeggio for a minor chord based on the root note you play into the input. 
Slocum Phase Shifter
by Doug Slocum, Spin Semi  
From GA_DEMO - mods by Doug Slocum 10/20/2017 
Geoffrey: Pitch shifted delay
by slacker  
Pitch shift is +5th, +7th, +1 Octave, +M3rd 
by slacker  
by slacker  
by slacker  
by slacker  
Envelope Phaser
by David Rolo  
Filter: env LP HP up
by David Rolo  
by David Rolo  
Pitch Step Glider.spn
by David Rolo  
Random Loop Delay
by David Rolo  
by David Rolo  
by David Rolo  
1 comment
Ping Pong Delay
by Frank Thomson  
Soft Clipping Overdrive
by Jeroen Korterik  
Improved Octave Up
by Don Stavely  
1 comment
This solves for the 'crossfade cancellation' issue... 
7-Band Parametric EQ
by patb, Don Stavely  
Slow Gear (simple)
by Alex MAK  
Tremolo w/ Multiple LFO Waveshapes
by Slacker  
Tremolo w/ Multiple LFO Waveshapes (no clicks)
by Slacker, mstratman  
by deepMago!  
Pitch Shifters + Chorus/Flanging
by Audiofab  
A bank of 8 patches that use chorus alone, pitch shifting and chorus, or pitch shifting and flanging. Includes the SpinCAD file for you to play around with and a JSON file for the Audiofab fv1_programmer utility. 
Reverb Algorithms
by Audiofab  
A bank of eight, classic reverbs for your Easy Spin pedal. Where applicable, the SpinCAD Designer source file is provided. All source code is included in the fv1-programmer JSON file so you can directly program your pedal with the Audiofab fv1_programmer utility. 
Distortion Algorithms
by Audiofab  
A bank of 8 patches featuring various distortion algorithms in some cases combined with chorus and filtering. Includes the SpinCAD file for you to play around with and a JSON file for the Audiofab fv1_programmer utility. 
Test Programs
by Audiofab  
A bank of 8 patches featuring various test algorithms to ensure your FV-1-based pedal is working properly. Includes the SpinCAD file for you to play around with and, a JSON file for the Audiofab fv1_programmer utility and documentation. 
by Michele  
SpinCAD delay patch with tap tampo block. This connects to a drum delay patch, but can be applied to every delay patch. The tap tampo block works perfect. The only problem is a little kind of 'swish' sound if you tap while playing. See the 'sourced from' URL below for the schematic. 
* Requires different circuit

Questions, additions, corrections, feedback?